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NOTE: The dataset is publicly available for non-commercial use. Please refer to Lee et al, ICIP, 2015 if you use this dataset in your publication.


MalayaKew (MK) Leaf dataset was collected at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England. It consists of scan-like images of leaves from 44 species classes. This dataset is very challenging as leaves from different species classes have very similar appearance.

There are two(2) folders associated with the dataset and a ReadMe file:

  1. D1 dataset
    • It consists of segmented leaf images with size 256 * 256 pixels.​​
    • Number of training and testing images is 2288 and 528 respectively.
  2. Dataset Groundtruth
    • It consists of cropped image patches of leaf with size 256 * 256 pixels.
    • Number of training and testing images is 34672 and 8800 respectively.


  1. How Deep Learning Extracts and Learns Leaf Features for Plant Classification
    S.H. Lee, C. S. Chan, S. Mayo and P. Remagnino
    Pattern Recognition, vol. 71, pp. 1-13, 2017 (PR 2017)

  2. Deep-Plant: Plant Identification with convolutional neural networks
    S.H. Lee, C. S. Chan, P. Wilkin and P. Remagnino
    IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 452-456, 2015 (ICIP 2015)

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